We assumed, having read the books, that Randall’s fascination with Jamie was a sexual one. Now, on the other hand, we got it entirely wrong in this article. We thought his actions were all an attempted at control and domination, and he was having trouble performing because he didn’t have the outwardly terrified victim he wanted. He wanted a submissive and cowering victim, and she wasn’t doing that by laughing. We also thought that once Jenny turned over and laughed, Randall’s reaction was all about realizing he didn’t have quite the upper hand with Jenny. In a sense what you don’t see can be scarier than what you do see, and it was a way of terrorizing Jenny. We assumed it was initially a form of power and humiliation when Randall pushes Jenny facedown on the bed. In our recap we didn’t make the error of assuming the reason Black Jack asked Jenny to turn around was due to sexual preference. But he’ll take women when he can get them–_vide_ his reaction to finding Claire wandering around by herself. However, given his position (garrison commander) and the structure of the culture he’s in, he has much easier access to male prisoners, whom he can torture at leisure. Two men, two women - he’s an equal-opportunity sadist.