Cult classic gay movies

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John Waters provides commentary for the new release. The ridiculous performances by Taylor and Burton, however, cemented it as a Showgirls-type cult classic. Derided on its original release for the story of a very horny woman flirting with a handsome man who may or may not be Death, the premise alone has earned the film an enduring legacy. Next comes Boom! a Tennessee Williams adaptation starring Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton and Noel Coward. In addition to deleted scenes from the archives, the film will feature a new retrospective mini-doc with actor John Leguizamo, Director Beeban Kidron and screenwriter Douglas Carter Beane.

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The company will celebrate Pride Month with the release of four beloved queer films on special edition Blu-Ray.įirst up: the defining release of the drag classic To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Numar. The movie that dared to cast four action stars– Patrick Swayze, John Leguizamo and Wesley Snipes–as drag queens on a cross-country road trip. Shout! Factory, the film distribution company that specializes in decked-out releases for cult films, has just announced its slate for this June.

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